From Breadfruit to Beverage Revolution the Journey of Mutiny Island Vodka With Todd Manley

Embark on a captivating journey through the inception and evolution of Mutiny Island Vodka, a groundbreaking distilled spirit crafted from the resilient breadfruit. Join us as we jump behind the scene of this Caribbean Business to know with Todd Manly into the origins of this unique venture, exploring the inspiration behind its creation and the challenges faced along the way. From hurricanes to shipping woes, discover the determination and innovation driving this Caribbean-inspired endeavor.

How did the idea of creating Mutiny Island Vodka, a distilled spirit from breadfruit, originate, and what inspired the team to embark on this unique venture?

Todd: I'm grateful for the opportunity to share our story and be featured on The Caribbean Views. As a chef, I've always been passionate about agriculture. Back in 2007, I realized the islands weren't producing enough of their own food, relying heavily on imports. I wanted to create a sustainable agricultural product that could also benefit the environment, create jobs, and ensure food security. In 2017, after hurricanes Irma and Maria, my business partner Brent Powell suggested breadfruit. We experimented with the island vodka at our restaurant, and the response was positive. What started as a simple experiment turned into a full-fledged business, thanks to the encouragement of our customers. We later teamed up with distiller Chris Richardson in Virginia, and after perfecting the recipe, Mutiny Island Vodka was born.


Can you share the journey of developing and refining the distillation process for Mutiny Island Vodka, especially considering the unconventional use of breadfruit?

Todd: Developing the distillation process for Mutiny Island Vodka has been a challenging yet rewarding journey. Utilizing breadfruit in this unconventional way presented its own set of obstacles, but through experimentation and perseverance, we've made significant strides. Living on an island comes with its own challenges - from power outages to logistical hurdles - which add complexity to the process. Exporting our product posed another challenge, particularly after facing setbacks like the breakdown of the boat servicing key markets like St. Martin and Puerto Rico.

Despite it all, we've made considerable progress in perfecting our process. Standards and operating procedures are now in place, ensuring a consistent supply of breadfruit and maintaining the premium quality of our product. In addition to our original breadfruit-based Island Vodka, we've expanded our collection to include innovative infusions including Cold Pressed Puerto Rican Coffee Infused, Smoked Hot Pepper Infused, ROOTS Ginger & Turmeric Infused, Ginger Lime Infused, and Hibiscus Passion Fruit Infused. These spirited infusions not only showcase the diversity of local ingredients but also further contribute to supporting the community.

Sustainability is a key aspect of Mutiny Island Vodka’s mission. Could you elaborate on your impact on the environment and  endorsement from The Trees That Feed Foundation?

Todd: Breadfruit emerges as a versatile solution not only for island communities but also for global challenges. A single breadfruit tree can sustain a family of four for a lifetime, addressing food insecurity prevalent in tropical regions where it thrives. The Trees That Feed Foundation works in more than 20 countries, planting fruit trees and assisting smallholder farmers in tropical regions. Beyond food security, breadfruit trees serve as environmental guardians, sequestering carbon dioxide and enriching soils, thus mitigating global warming and safeguarding plant biodiversity. Moreover, breadfruit trees yield valuable byproducts like latex and squalene, contributing to economic opportunities and environmental protection.

Through initiatives like Mutiny Island Vodka, which incorporates breadfruit into its production process, the Trees That Feed Foundation is able to work with more farmers: creating additional jobs, stimulating economies, and ensuring food security, all while preserving the environment. So, it's a novel idea: we drink Island Vodka to save the planet.


How do you differentiate Mutiny Island Vodka in a competitive spirits market, given its distinctive ingredients and story?

Todd: Mutiny Island Vodka sets itself apart from traditional vodkas by its distinct ingredient – breadfruit. While it functions as a vodka due to the distillation process mandated by federal law, its foundation in breadfruit renders it a truly unique spirit. In a market saturated with countless vodka brands, Mutiny Island Vodka's use of breadfruit offers a novel flavor profile and narrative. Our crowdfunding campaign not only raises awareness about our innovative product but also fosters sustainability by planting a breadfruit tree for every $500 investment, ensuring a positive impact on both the environment and our brand's identity.

Photo: Mutiny Island Vodka

Can you discuss any collaborations or partnerships that have played a significant role in the success and growth of Mutiny Island Vodka?

Todd: Our journey has been incredible, witnessing a shift in community perceptions towards breadfruit and its importance in sustainability. We've been fortunate to collaborate with remarkable partners who share our vision. American Airlines has provided invaluable exposure through its lounges, while Applebee's has stood out with their commitment to community initiatives. Partnering with Virgin Voyages underscores our dedication to sustainability, as they prioritize supporting Caribbean products. Additionally, collaborations with brands like Margaritaville, Redbull and of course, all of our local establishments have been instrumental in expanding our reach. Each partnership brings credibility and support, driving us closer to our goals. We are immensely grateful for the collective effort that has propelled us forward on this journey.

Consumer education is crucial for innovative products like Mutiny Island Vodka. How do you approach educating consumers about the unique qualities and benefits of your distilled spirit made from breadfruit?

Todd: Our journey traces back to Polynesia, where breadfruit holds deep cultural significance, inspiring our name from the historic Mutiny on the Bounty. Polynesian communities have sustained themselves for millennia with breadfruit as a staple, illustrating its integral role in their lives. We've embraced this legacy by sharing diverse recipes and culinary innovations, demonstrating breadfruit's versatility beyond traditional cooking methods. From pizza dough to vegan cheesecake, breadfruit offers endless possibilities. To overcome reservations about its flavor, we advocate for nuanced preparation techniques, such as boiling with flavorful stocks before grilling. Through consumer education and culinary exploration, we aim to foster appreciation for breadfruit's rich heritage and its transformative potential in Mutiny Island Vodka.


Looking ahead, what are your plans for Mutiny Island Vodka, both in terms of expanding your product line and continuing to make a positive impact in the spirits industry?

Todd: As we look ahead, our primary focus is on penetrating the competitive US market, particularly in Florida, with Mutiny Island Vodka. Despite immense competition from big brands (with even bigger marketing and sales budgets!), we're steadily expanding our presence, currently distributed in 14 states. Our strategy involves bolstering our sales team to secure key accounts, developing unique cocktails and events that enhance the guest’s experience.

Furthermore, we're thrilled to introduce regionally specific "reserve" products, crafted solely from breadfruit sourced from distinct locales like the Florida Keys and Puerto Rico. Notably, each variant reflects the unique terroir of its origin (like fine wines from various regions across the globe!), offering consumers a taste of the islands in every sip. As we expand this initiative to include other regions alike, we're not only creating economic opportunities but also fostering a deeper connection between consumers and the diverse flavors of the Caribbean.

Please share with us one of the team's favorite drinks to make that includes the Island Vodka or spirited Infusions.

Todd: For a classic favorite, our "Nicole Perez Puerto Rican Coffee" espresso martini has been a hit worldwide. The trick to making it perfect? Shake it vigorously with plenty of ice to keep it cold without watering it down, then give it a dry shake to create that foamy top. It's a secret tip to impress your friends with a truly exceptional cocktail experience. For more cocktail recipes, be sure to sign up for our email newsletter on our website – – where we’ll be sharing recipes for all of our infusions, along with a digital cocktail book.

In Conclusion

As we raise a toast to the future, Mutiny Island Vodka continues to pave the way for sustainability, community empowerment, and culinary exploration. With bold flavors, eco-friendly practices, and a commitment to making a positive impact, this distilled spirit stands as a beacon of innovation in the competitive world of beverages. Join us on this remarkable journey as we redefine the possibilities of spirits, one sip at a time. Cheers to Mutiny Island Vodka – where tradition meets innovation, and every pour tells a story of resilience and flavor. Don't miss the chance to own a piece of this groundbreaking brand – invest now and become a part of the Mutiny-spirited revolution!