Five healthy ways to balance your PH Balance


If you have ever had a vaginal infection, you would know how irritating and uncomfortable it can be. Itching, burning while urinating, foul-smelling discharge, discomfort during intercourse; all of these can disturb your daily life activities. Besides good personal hygiene practices and safe sex, a balanced vaginal pH is essential in keeping such messy infections at bay.

The pH is a measure of how acidic or alkaline a medium is. The readings range from zero to 14, with seven lying in the mid. Ascending from zero to seven is termed acidic, and from there onwards till 14 are basic or alkaline.

The vaginal pH is moderately acidic, lying somewhere between 3.8 and 4.5. It is crucial to have a balanced vaginal pH because:

  • It helps ward off vaginal infections by acting as a protective barrier. Bacterial and yeast infections thrive in alkaline mediums. The acidic vaginal pH keeps the infectious agents from multiplying and causing disease.

  • An acidic environment in the vagina also cuts back your risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases like HIV, herpes, Tich, etc.

  • Too much acidity in the vagina decreases fertility as sperms thrive and move in an alkaline environment. During sex, the vaginal pH rises to become slightly alkaline.

Vaginal pH tends to go a bit beyond 4.5 just before menstruation. Tampons absorb the menstrual blood, which is alkaline. So if you are in the habit of using tampons during periods, your vaginal pH may turn alkaline.

Similarly, menopause is tagged with disturbances in hormonal profile, which makes the vaginal walls thin. These walls lose their ability to lubricate, resulting in scanty discharge. This upsets the normal vaginal ambiance. So women in their menopause are at the risk of getting imbalanced vaginal pH.

Likewise, the use of antibiotics, douching, and unprotected sex (without condoms) can cause alkalinity in the vagina.

A woman's vagina does not need extra measures to be healthy. It is a self-cleaning organ due to its natural secretions, immune defenses, and good microbial flora.

Adopting a personal hygiene routine without any over-enthusiasm (douching with water and vinegar, baking soda, or iodine) helps keep normal vaginal pH. Also, treating infections without unnecessary dosage of antibiotics and having safe and protected sex can save the vaginal pH from going too low or too high.

Still, women undergo unavoidable hormonal conditions either due to aging, disease, and other environmental factors. To keep vaginal pH consistent and balanced, read on to know some natural remedies that bolster the vaginal pH balance.

1. Probiotics

Keeping the gut flora in balance is the ‘in’ thing. But did you know that a woman’s vagina houses more than fifty strains of ‘good’ bacteria that contribute to the organ’s health?

Lactobacilli acidophilus is the most prominent strain that keeps the pH towards the acidic side. Lactobacillus rhamnosus and lactobacillus reuteri are the other two important strains.

Lack of lactobacilli or overgrowth of other strains can disrupt the natural balance of the vagina. Periods, menopause, unprotected sex, or unhygienic practices can cause an imbalance of this strain.

Integrating probiotic-rich food items in your meals is the most natural and effective way of achieving a vaginal balance. These include:

  • Yogurt with active or live cultures, fermented by lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria

  • Kefir (contains many strains of friendly bacteria thus a potent probiotic)

  • Unpasteurized Sauerkraut

  • Tempeh (soy)

  • Kimchi

  • Miso (soy)

  • Kombucha

  • Pickles (without vinegar)

  • Traditional buttermilk (the left-over liquid after making butter)

  • Natto (soy)

  • Cheese like Gouda, mozzarella, cheddar, and cottage

Lactobacilli create balance in the vaginal pH by

  • regulating the microflora,

  • enhancing acidity,

  • protecting the attachment of disease-causing agents to vaginal walls and destroying them directly

  • working as an adjunct to the body's immune system

Another research seconds the role of lactobacilli-rich supplements in enhancing and preserving the vaginal pH after antibiotic use.

Probiotics can be taken as dietary elements (yogurt), oral supplements, or vaginal suppositories. A study showed that women who consumed yogurt containing lactobacillus had more balanced vaginal flora and were less likely to succumb to vaginal infections.

Another study showed that women who used lactobacillus suppositories had better vaginal flora content that helped them fight bacterial vaginosis symptoms.

Experts suggest taking whole foods instead of supplements to balance the vaginal flora.

2.  Garlic Supplements

Increasing the consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are other measures that improve the probiotic flora in the vagina. These foods are called prebiotics as they act as food for the probiotic strains and help strengthen their number in the vagina.

Garlic is one such dietary item that is labeled under prebiotics. However, if individuals suffering from gastric ulcers or taking blood-thinning medicines should avoid taking garlic supplements. Otherwise, garlic supplements are safe and effective against disease-causing agents.

Garlic contains allicin, an antibacterial agent. Packed with antioxidants, a garlic supplement can fight free radicals in the body. In a study conducted on 120 women, garlic supplements were beneficial against bacterial vaginosis with fewer side effects than oral antibiotics.

The majority of women contract vaginal yeast infections; at least once or twice in their lifetimes. An imbalance of vaginal pH invites Candida yeast infection. Oral consumption of garlic supplements, retailed as allicin, can help prevent or improve the condition. Similarly, topical preparations containing garlic can also be applied in case of ongoing vaginal infection.

A 2006 study tested garlic efficacy against 18 strains of Candida and reported promising results compared to popular anti-fungal medicine. Similarly, another study tested the topical preparation of garlic and clotrimazole cream (a common anti-fungal) against mycotic vaginitis. The researchers found no difference in the efficacy of either cream.  

3. Omega-3 fatty acids

Supplements of omega-3 fatty acids improve the pH of the vagina and help relieve dryness, which is a common complaint of pre and menopausal women. Vaginal dryness leads to an imbalance of pH and calls for infection.

A 2014 study involved 116 postmenopausal women experiencing symptoms of vaginal dryness, itching, or burning.  Ninety-eight women were followed for three months. They consumed 3g of sea buckthorn oil or placebo oil daily. Vaginal dryness and other indexes of vaginal health were improved in women who consumed the omega-3 enriched sea buckthorn oil.

Some good sources of omega-3 fatty acids include;                                                                         

  • Fish and other seafood (cold-water fatty fish as salmon, mackerel, tuna, herring, and sardines)

  • Nuts and seeds (such as sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, flaxseed, chia seeds, and walnuts)

  • Oils resourced from plants like flaxseed, soybean, and canola oil

  • Foods fortified with omega-3 fatty acids

4. Soy-based products

One of the most prevalent causes of imbalanced vaginal pH remains vaginal dryness. Aging and menopause can cut back on estrogen production. This hormonal imbalance causes vaginal wall thinning and severe vaginal dryness.

Conventional hormonal therapy (estrogen-based) is tagged with side effects like cardiovascular complications and breast cancer. For this reason, natural remedies as the inclusion of soy-based foods is a good option for women who want to improve their vaginal health without any side effects.

An effective remedy to improve the body's estrogen levels is to include soy-based products in one’s diet. Soy contains isoflavones called phytoestrogens, a plant-based compound that mimics the action of estrogen hormone. It means that our body similarly reacts to phytoestrogen as it reacts to natural estrogen. Soy-based food items are especially effective for women presenting with complaints of low estrogen levels and the resultant vaginal dryness.

Consuming soy-containing foods instead of supplements is a better way of reaping the benefits. The FDA does not regulate supplements, so a prolonged intake is not recommended. However, the phytoestrogen in plant-based food does not cause damaging health effects.

Tempeh, Miso, Natto, soy milk, and tofu are good sources of soy.

5. Boric acid for vaginal health

Suppositories of boric acid are another common natural remedy for correcting vaginal pH. Boric acid suppositories provide an easy and convenient way out of recurrent bacterial vaginosis when a repeated antibiotic course is not an option because of their side effects.

In a study, researchers gave women 600 mg of boric acid, placed inside the vagina. The women received antibiotic treatment as well. Those who used boric acid and the usual treatment had an 88% cure rate at seven weeks. This was increased to a 92% cure rate at 12 weeks.

Boric acid comprises antibacterial and anti-fungal properties in another review of 14 different studies involving boric acid to treat vaginal candidiasis. The researchers reported cure rates of 40-100% with the use of boric acid.

Consuming leafy greens, avocadoes, and apples are also suggested to preserve vaginal health. Taking care of vaginal hygiene, reducing stress, exercise, staying hydrated, and wearing cotton underwear also contribute to vaginal pH and health.

Take home message

Conventional treatments and medicines come with their side effects. Women face hormonal up and downs in their lifetimes, starting from puberty till menopause. Infections of the vagina and bladder are a common occurrence despite taking precautions of all kinds. A balanced vaginal pH contributes massively towards preventing and treating such infections. Natural remedies are a safe and efficient way of keeping a consistently healthy vaginal pH and warding off infections.